Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Show and Market

An event recap of The Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park, Washington Garden Tour and Market.

As a professional garden designer and avid garden lover, I had the incredible opportunity to showcase my talent and passion at the Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour and Market in 2023. This highly anticipated event was a collaborative effort between the Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation, the Friends of Third Place Commons, Shorelake Arts, the Lake Forest Park Garden Club, and various local businesses. 

Pictured above are some images of the Lake Forest Park Garden designed by Garden Girl that was featured in the 2023 Garden Tour.

Not only did the event offer a delightful garden tour, but it also featured a vibrant Garden Market, where attendees could find a wide selection of plants, flowers, garden art, and creative endeavors.

The Garden Market was an enchanting haven for gardening enthusiasts. From the moment the doors opened at 9 AM on the lower level of the Lake Forest Park Town Center, visitors were greeted with a stunning array of plants that catered to every garden style and taste. The market also showcased an impressive collection of garden art, adding personality and charm to outdoor spaces. It was truly a paradise for anyone seeking to enhance their outdoor space, learn more about gardening, and seek backyard inspiration.

What made this event even more special was the fact that it supported various charitable causes in the community. Proceeds from the tour and market went towards the betterment of Lake Forest Park and its residents, making it a heartfelt endeavor that brought together not only garden enthusiasts but also those passionate about making a positive impact.

As a Garden designer I was one of the featured secret gardens in the tour, I was overjoyed to share my creation with the public. The annual Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour provided a rare opportunity for locals to explore five or six stunning private gardens within the city. For this one-day event, these hidden gems were generously opened to the public, allowing visitors to appreciate their unique beauty.

Each garden was a testament to the creativity and dedication of its designers, installers, contractors and homeowners and in each their own unique ways offered visitors a chance to be inspired and immersed in the wonders of nature.

To further enrich the experience, artists and musicians were stationed in each garden, adding their artistic touch and creating a harmonious atmosphere. Master Gardeners from the WSU program were also present to share their knowledge and answer questions, ensuring that visitors received valuable insights into sustainable gardening practices.

The Master Gardeners program not only provides education but also serves the community in numerous ways. By teaching local community members how to manage their gardens in a sustainable and science-based manner, they contribute to environmental and social priorities such as water conservation and invasive species control.

Overall, the Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour and Market in 2023 was a resounding success. The event brought together a passionate community of gardeners, artists, musicians, and volunteers, all working towards a common goal of promoting nature, providing education and resources, supporting local causes, and fostering a sense of community.

It was truly inspiring to witness this event come together. I was honored to be part of this event and I look forward to future editions where we can continue to celebrate the beauty and wonder of nature.

Learn more about the organizations involved in the Lake Forest Park Garden Tour and Market.


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