Assisted Migration: Collaboration and Communication are Key

By Kayla Seaforth, Originally written for Watershed’s Program “Treeline - Partnering for climate adapted forests,” December 2021 edition

The work of restoring ecosystems is increasingly taking place in the context of extreme weather events and prolonged drought, and with uncertainty around future conditions. As restoration practitioners and those who support their work adapt and respond to rapid climatic changes more are considering whether and how to incorporate assisted migration into the equation. Assisted migration can refer to a number of actions, from moving seeds from one climatic zone within their current range to another, to shifting a species to a new range altogether based on anticipated future conditions. Dumroese, et al. provide a more detailed discussion of the different facets of assisted migration, as well as consideration for its place in ecosystem restoration in this paper. The diagram below, also by Williams and Dumroese, outlines a more simplified representation of the spectrum of actions that fall under the category of assisted migration.

Treeline partners and invited researchers recently presented a webinar that focused on both the mechanics and the ethics of assisted migration. Participants and presenters shared case studies and technical expertise, and engaged in thoughtful dialogue about the philosophy of assisted migration. One action item that emerged from the discussion was a desire for a set of principles around assisted migration that could generate a shared framework for restoration practitioners and others to work within when considering climate-adapted planting and propagation strategies. Professional standards show up in many forms, and range in structure, formality and breadth.

With a topic like assisted migration, where humans have moved species around for millenia, it seems

impractical to believe that a single set of recommendations could inform the whole practice, and even less likely that they would be adhered to in all circumstances. What may be more effective is the intentional creation of a shared community of professionals whose expertise sits at the intersection of the many fields that have a stake in how assisted migration takes place. This community, once assembled, could collectively decide what form their guidance takes. It could be the creation of a formal professional society, the generation of a set of widely available, voluntary best management practices, an informal network for sharing information, or so many other things.

The following draft of assisted migration principles was created by Dr. David Shaw, a Forest Health Specialist and professor in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Oregon State University and Dr. Patricia Maloney, a professor in the Department of Plant Pathology and Tahoe Environmental Research Center at The University of California, Davis. While they are still being refined, these principles may serve as a framework to consider how greater coordination and collaboration across fields could lead to a more integrated strategy around assisted migration.

Many institutions, organizations and individuals are already pursuing assisted migration in research and in practice. There are many ways to implement and think about this topic, with different strategies and philosophies emerging across the field. It is important to keep in mind that the work of adapting to a changing climate requires participation from diverse stakeholder groups, and should remain iterative, collaborative and adaptable as conditions change and new information becomes available. Creating consistent forums for sharing information and continuing this conversation will be crucial for our collective ability to manage ecosystems as the climate warms and our baseline conditions change migration in research and in practice. There are many ways to implement and think about this topic, with different strategies and philosophies emerging across the field. It is important to keep in mind that the work of adapting to a changing climate requires participation from diverse stakeholder groups, and should remain iterative, collaborative and adaptable as conditions change and new information becomes available.

Creating consistent forums for sharing information and continuing this conversation will be crucial for our collective ability to manage ecosystems as the climate warms and our baseline conditions change.

The following sectors have an important role to play in shaping strategies around assisted migration, and they are comprised of people from tribal nations, NGOs, government agencies, universities, businesses and other communities:

1. Nurseries (native and ornamental)

2. Forestry

3. Scientific and extension research

4. Ecological restoration

5. Environmental ethics and philosophy

Assisted migration touches upon a range of fields, issues and concerns including:

  1. Climate data and modeling

  2. Species specific research and recommendations

  3. Pests, pathogens and invasive species

  4. Communications/outreach

  5. Policy and regulations related to movement of species

  6. Seed collection and propagation

  7. Monitoring protocols and tracking

  8. Action network: Seed exchange, workshops, etc.

Download the full article here

If you are interested in continuing this conversation please reach out to Kayla Seaforth at


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